Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hola Boca de Tomatlan!

Members of the Global Youth Leadership Network - GYLN (Kelvin Au, Janice Lee, Aileen Lai and Chris Cheng) and Isa Mundo Foundation Founder and Director (Paul Lorilla) arrived in Boca de Tomatlan today to aid the development of a learning centre in the village of Boca de Tomatlan.

We arrived early in the morning and received a warm "Bienvenido" from students, teachers and Cynthia Leigh, the Lead Coordinator of Boca de Tomatlan Community Education Program.  Cynthia outlined the operation of the school and showed us the classroom that will become the main space for her after school English lesson, literacy and computer program.

GYLN representatives spent the morning with students teaching them about their organization and stories of their lives in Vancouver and abroad.  They read books, participated in curriculum activities and led outdoor games with all the kids. The rest of the day was spent building shelves, assembling a storage system, setting up laptops and organizing books for a future library. The group also had time to visit the Secundario school and a hike to explore the rest of the Boca village and local life.

The first day ended with a stop to Old Vallarta area to see souvenir shops and local eateries to celebrate the day.

The next day will be another busy morning and an afternoon trip to Casa Connor to learn about Pasitos de Luz and spend time with the children and staff of this important facility serving children with disabilities in the area.


GYLN and Isa Mundo!

PS: Wanted to acknowledge ERA again for their continued support in providing much needed laptops to children and students in schools we work with.  Gracias ERA!